Tuesday 24 September 2013

Unit 1 - Editing Images

Adding different types of media onto an image

We looked briefly at John Rankin and how he asked a group of celebrities to take a self portrait, and, though self expression, ruin it by ripping it up, drawing on it, adding stickers to it and so on. We were asked to use our own self portraits to do something similar. Below are my examples.

Image 1

On image one I used google+ lightbox. I didn't use the effects in any particular order, I just played with all the different options available to change the photograph until I ended up with something I liked. 

Image 2

On image 2 I used Picasa. As with image 1, I experimented with the different effects available. The main effect I used is called 'Comic Book'. I also made the dots in the background slightly larger. 

Looking at both images, i realised image one looks old and worn, yet image two looks quite futuristic. I like the contrast between the two images and how using different media can change the same photograph to make two different styles. 

If I was asked how these images represent me through self expression, I would say the image that looks worn (image 1) represents the old me, and the futuristic image (image 2) represents the new me.  Even though my daughter is present in image 1, i'd say this is accurate as i feel shes always been a part of me, even before she existed.

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